New eBook editions of:

  •     Hamology - amateur radio... the course
  •     Hamology - amateur radio... the answers

What is Hamology?
Hamology is the 'science' of amateur radio. It incorporates the knowledge and practical application of the laws of electricity, electronics and radio. With a basic understanding of this knowledge, boys, girls, men and women around the world - can qualify to become a radio 'ham' - and enjoy a truly international and fun hobby.

Hamology - amateur radio... the course
Written by Brian Oliver, "Hamology  amateur radio... the course", provides a wealth of easy-to-follow electrical, electronic, and radio theory to satisfy your learning needs. There are clear explanations, along with hundreds of diagrams. Originally published in hard copy, this new eBook edition has been updated throughout! It covers local licensing information pertinent to many countries - including the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand. In fact, this book would be
a valuable resource and reference for any technical library.

Hamology - amateur radio... the answers
This second book contains the answers to test questions found in the course book above. These two books together, form a powerful learning tool! Yes, essential for studying your 'ham' license. Or, if you are a school or college physics or engineering student. Or, simply curious, and want to become an 'expert' in electronics and in what makes things 'tick'!

Both editions are scheduled to be released globally during September 2012 by major eBook stores including Amazon and Lulu.

'Stay-tuned' to this page for updates and more information.


Brian Oliver ZL1OL


Hamology - amateur radio... the course
Author: Brian Oliver
Publisher: Oliver Electronics and Communications Limited, PO Box 40266, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand 0747
First edition 1987 (Print)
Original ISBN 0-473-00453-4, Modern ISBN 978-0-4730045-3-8

Second edition 1990 (Print)
Original ISBN 0-473-00895-5, Modern ISBN 978-0-4730089-5-6

Third edition 2012 (eBook)
ISBN 978-0-9598027-2-6

Hamology - amateur radio... the answers
Author: Brian Oliver
Publisher: Oliver Electronics and Communications Limited, PO Box 40266, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand 0747
First edition 2012 (eBook)
ISBN 978-0-9598027-3-3